100% Authentic Brand New Item Parellel Imported from Europe and USA Boutique and Factory Outlet Store. We Sell Authentic branded bags at Woodlands Causeway Point#04-k04/k05 Since 2012 Feel Free to message us or visit our shop before you place order online. luxebags Item comes with price tag, care card, luxebags giftbox for wallet or Tory Burch dust bag for handbags, and our $50 in store purchase shop voucher.
Chain wallet made of soft chevron quilted leather. The brushed gold double T logo in the center is a gorgeous point. When the flap is opened, it has a card pocket, a zip pocket, and a free pocket for easy use. It can store small items such as smartphones, key cases, lipstick, etc., making it ideal for light outings. This is a great item that can be used in a wide range of situations, such as shopping, traveling, and going out with children.
Tory Burch
Kira quilted leather crossbody bag
sesame beige, black silver or black gold
quilted panels
signature Double T motif
embossed logo to the front
gold-tone hardware
foldover top
twist-lock closure
leather and chain-link shoulder strap
internal card slots
rear zip-fastening pocket
internal zip-fastening pocket
partitioned compartment
Product measurements
5 cm
12 cm
60 cm
22 cm